Compact Cameras: Not Just for Law Enforcement

Compact Cameras: Not Just for Law Enforcement

Compact Cameras: Not Just for Law Enforcement

Law enforcement agencies and other uniformed services requiring critical video evidence or monitoring need an integrated system that fits their personnel. Whether a policeman responding to a crime or a paramedic performing CPR, a portable camera such as body-worn helps them gather evidence or links them to a command center.

Mobile video devices fitted in automobiles or body-worn prove an essential tool not just in law enforcement. Other industries that could benefit are fire and rescue departments, EMT services, road and freeways construction personnel, or even private companies with employees on fieldwork, etc.

Body-Worn Cameras

Most local and state law enforcement agencies in the U.S. use body-worn cameras for their officers. Police officers typically use the devices in the performance of responsibilities. The need for open and direct contact with the general public makes this gadget a crucial tool.

Agencies that take transparency issues seriously find body-worn cameras very beneficial. Producing critical videos for proof doesn’t rely upon a pre-event recording. Some gadgets on the market work even if you forgot to press a record button; you can even scan back for video recordings several days after the event unfolds. So no more reason to bother with missing videos.

Features and Benefits

  • Keep officers connected to the agency command center
  • Automatic wireless recording
  • Integrated with the in-car system
  • Natural field of view
  • Easy incidence recovery

In-Car Video System

Police car cameras are prevalent in most police departments, and for a good reason. Although statistically speaking, assaults on officers during traffic apprehensions are rare; there were incidences of fatal assaults in the past. A video recording system adds safety to the police officers on duty.

Both the agency and the general public also benefit from this device. Studies show that it reduces the agency’s liability; and lowers the risk of cops’ use of force on the people.

Features and Benefits

  • Increase officers and public safety
  • Provides openness to the community
  • Provide more leads to crime solving
  • Improves conviction rate
  • Integrated with body-worn cameras
  • Secured data backup and transfer

Do these compact cameras replace the standard two-way radios?

Not at all; mobile two-way radios continue to be the primary communication device in the industry. Compact cameras serve various functions, and a communication system is not one. But having a body-worn camera, in-car system, and two-way radios makes the officer effective on foot, in the vehicle, and at the station. Highly recommended firms offer these gadgets like Tele-Rad Western and Northern Michigan.

Do you need Wi-Fi for these devices?

No, a better option is a private LTE network. LTE works better than Wi-Fi when it comes to area coverage. LTE enables more integrity and power than a Wi-Fi system, whether high-priority broadband data or real-time video transfer. Learn more about LTE’s functionalities.


Both body-worn and in-car video systems deliver crucial functions to law enforcement agencies. Most are available with features that allow the officers to upload their camera unit’s recording to the agency’s cloud.

Today’s dash cameras are so sophisticated that even private vehicles install these gadgets on their cars, and motorcycle riders attach the camera to their safety helmets. The technology is now available for the general public, not just law enforcers and frontliners.

Nonetheless, having video evidence is one way for the police officers to support the integrity of their actions.